CSC Calgary 2024 8th annual Golf Tournament- July 9TH,2024

Lakeside Golf Club Chestermere, AB
July 09, 2024 | By Warren Clunie


Lakeside Golf Club
555 Lakeside Greens Drive Chestermere, AB T1X 1C5 Canada


7:30 AM - 8:50 AM
9:00 AM
Tee off
2:00 PM
Lunch and reception

About this event

CSC Calgary's 8th Annual Golf Tournament July 9th- (Stampede Style) Lakeside Greens (Chestermere)
Best ball format
Mulligan draws, 50/50, putting contest, hole in 1 sponsor, and much more to come.
Registration starts at 7:30am- Tee off at 9:00am
Followed by Pasta Lunch
The following sponsorships are available.
Check-in sponsor- Have company promo and giveaways at Check-in desk.
Hole sponsors- Includes signage at designated hole.
Prize sponsors- Prize donations greatly accepted.
Lunch Sponsor- Logo displayed as well 5–10-minute speech at lunch. (Includes 2 golfers)
Cart Sponsor- Logo on all carts (includes 2 golfers)
Golf ball Sponsors- Important Note the balls are supplied by the company sponsoring.
Do you Have an idea for sponsoring? Reach out to discuss and we can customize a package.

All sponsorships include the Company logo throughout the tournament.
The registration deadline will be July 4th, 2024.

Any questions please contact either Jonathon Greenland Jonathon.greenland@arconic.com or Trevor Devnich Trevor.Devnich@IKO.com,

Please note if you would like to donate prizes contact the committee.
We will also be needing volunteers that day if you could help, please let us Know.
Register Here