CSC Calgary 2021 Golf Tournament - 5th Annual

NRC Offers Online & PDF Access to Codes
September 07, 2021 | By Chapter Webmaster

CSC Calgary's 5th Annual Golf Tournament September 7, 2021- Mulligan draws, Prizes and Much Much more to come Followed by

About this event

CSC Calgary's 5th Annual Golf Tournament  September 7th, 2021-  (Stampede Style)
Mulligan draws, Prizes and Much Much more to come
Followed by Taco Bar lunch
We are looking for the following sponsorship
Hole sponsors
Prize sponsors
Breakfast sponsor
Lunch Sponsor
Cart Sponsor
 All sponsorship's include Company logo throughout the tournament
Registration deadline will be August 30th,2021
Any questions please contact either Jonathon Greenland j.greenland@alumicor.com or Trevor Devnich Trevor.Devnich@iko.com

Click here to Register: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/csc-calgary-2021-golf-tournament-september-7th2021-tickets-135516239721?ref=enivtefor001&invite=MjA1NTgzODcvcGhpZWJlcnRAYy1zZ3JvdXAuY29tLzA%3D%0A&utm_source=eb_email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=inviteformalv2&utm_term=eventpage 
Please note if you would like to donate a prize we would be more than happy to accept
We will also be needing volunteers that day if you could help please let either Jonathon or Trevor know